13 July 2009

Twin Cam Peugeot Bakkie

Oh Africa, oh Africa, wherefor art though mine?

I got this picture this morning from Jean, my sis in law. I could not resist posting it, as it so reminded me of going just outside our country's borders. I think if I would see this with my very own eyes, I would probably be shaking my head. But if I think about the scenario playing off in this picture, there is so much more untold facts than seen with the naked eye. How would our dear continent be Africa, if it was not for "Twin Cam bakkies"... or "stacked to the clouds bakkies"... or "let's see which side is lower" bakkies. And this is not even to mention the fresh food markets, with the fish irrigated in the open drain pipes. If these things weren't there, it would not be Africa... the place I love! These things at least make us still appreciate what we have in South Africa. So if you think things can't get worse here, just step outside our borders...


A Daft Scots Lass 13 July 2009 at 14:15  

I have a saying when I see things like this "Oh, Only in Africa!" :-)

Martinette 13 July 2009 at 14:35  

Yes you can say that again... ;-)